王成 教授
1992 本科,安徽大学
1995 硕士,中国科学技术大学
1998 博士,中国科学技术大学
1999-2001 博士后,清华大学
2001-2004 博士后,美国加州大学
2005-2016 中国科学院长春应用化学研究所
2016-至今 教授,天津理工大学
电话: +86-22-60214795
邮箱: cwang@tjut.edu.cn
先后承担或者参与科技部国家重点研发计划1项、国家自然科学基金5项、天津市自然科学基金1项、科技部“973”计划1项、总装备部装备维修技术探索性研究1项、国家自然科学基金委员会创新研究群体科学基金1项、国家自然科学基金委员会重大研究计划1项。以第一作者或者通讯作者在J. Am. Chem. Soc.、Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.、Nano Lett.、Adv. Funct. Mater.、Nano Energy、Chem. Mater.、Chem. Commun.等国内外核心杂志上发表论文180余篇。科研工作曾获得中国科学院杰出科技成就奖、江西省自然科学二等奖、吉林省科学技术进步一等奖。2005年入选中科院“百人计划”,2014年入选天津市特聘教授,2017年入选天津市学科领军人才。
1、Jinxin Fan, Zicheng Wang, Jie Wang, Yuan Tian*,Cheng Wang*, A two-in-one host for high-loading cathode and dendrite-free anode realized by activating metallic nitrides heterostructures toward Li-S full batteries, Chem. Eng. J., 2023, 460, 141862.
2、Xiannan Zhang, Zhenzhen Mo, Raul Arenal, Wenjiang Li,Cheng Wang*, “Efficient Oil-Water Separation by a Robust Superhydrophobic Coating Prepared Directly from Commercial Lacquer Using Silanized Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes as Filler”,Appl. Surf. Sci., 2023, 609, 155208-155217
3、Fengqi Qin, Huan Zhang, Taixing Tan, Jie Wang, Huiling Liu,Cheng Wang*,“Three-step, Seed-mediated Synthesis of Ultrathin AgNWs in Aqueous Solution”, Chem. Mater., 2022, 34, 4613-4620.
4、Yuan Tian, Ming Yang*,Cheng Wang*,“Highly efficient flexible Li–S full batteries with hollow Ru-RuO2-xnanofibers as robust polysulfide anchoring-catalysts and lithium dendrite inhibitors”, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2022, 10, 8826-8836.
5、Yan Sun, Jie Wang, Yufeng Qi, Wenjiang Li,Cheng Wang*, “Efficient Electrooxidation of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural Using Co-Doped Ni3S2Catalyst: Promising for H2Production under Industrial-Level Current Density”, Adv. Sci. 2022, 2200957.
6、Die Hu, Fengqi Qin, Jialiang Liu, Haopeng Lai, Taixing Tan*, Chengyu Li,Cheng Wang*, “Direction-Controlled Growth of Five-Fold Ag and Ag/Au Nanocrystals: Implications for Transparent Conductive Films”, ACS Appl. Nano Mater., 2022, 5, 957-964.
7、Yu-Feng Qi, Kai-Yao Wang*, Yan Sun, Jie Wang,Cheng Wang*, “Engineering Electronic Structure of NiFe LDH Nanosheet Array by Implanting Cationic Vacancies for Efficient Electrochemical Conversion of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural to 2,5-Furandicarboxylic Acid”, ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 2022, 10, 645-654.
8、Jie Wang, Yan Sun, Yufeng Qi,ChengWang *, “Vanadium-Doping and Interfac e Engineering for Synergistically Enhanced Electrochemical Overall Water Splitting and Urea Electrolysis”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2021, 13, 57392-57402.
9、Huan Zhang, Juan Wang, Fengqi Qin, Huiling Liu*,Cheng Wang*, “V-doped Ni3N/Ni heterostructure with engineered interfaces as a bifunctional hydrogen electrocatalyst in alkaline solution: Simultaneously improving water dissociation and hydrogen adsorption”, Nano Res., 2021, 14, 3489-3496.
10、Taixing Tan, Shun Zhang, Jie Wang, Yuqin Zheng, Haopeng Lai, Jialiang Liu, Fengqi Qin,Cheng Wang*, “Resolving the Stacking Fault Structure of Silver Nanoplates”, Nanoscale, 2021, 13, 195-205.