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2020-01-15 16:03  

王惠 讲师

2013 本科,枣庄学院

2019 硕博,天津大学

2019-至今 天津理工大学讲师






主持国家自然科学基金青年项目一项、教育部“春晖计划”国际合作科研专项一项、横向项目一项。参与国家自然科学基金面上项目。以第一作者或通讯作者身份分别在《Nature Communications》、《ACS Catalysis》、《Applied Catalysis B: Environmental》、《Chemical Engineering Journal》等国际核心杂志发表论文7篇。


1.Wang, H.*, ‡et al.Surface reactive oxygen from support corrects the nominal supported metal size effect in controlling the reactivity for low-temperature CH4/CO2reforming.ACS Catal.14, 10712–10727 (2024).

2.Wang, H.et al.Surface reactive oxygen in Ni/CexZr1-xO2catalysts may impede the CH4/CO2reforming activity by stabilizing small Ni species.Chem. Eng. J.493, 152501 (2024).

3.Wang, H.*, Hu, Y., Adogwa, A., Yang, M. & Lu, T.-B. The in situ growth of atomically dispersed Ni species on CeO2during low-temperature CH4/CO2reforming.J. Mater. Chem. A12, 23530–23540 (2024).

4.Wang, H.*& Yang, M. Two different atomically dispersed Pt atoms supported on ceria.Inorg. Chem.63, 20592–20599 (2024).

5.Doherty, F.,Wang, H., Yang, M. & Goldsmith, B. R. Nanocluster and single-atom catalysts for thermocatalytic conversion of CO and CO2.Catal. Sci. Technol.10, 5772–5791 (2020).

6.Wang, H.et al.Surpassing the single-atom catalytic activity limit through paired Pt-O-Pt ensemble built from isolated Pt1 atoms.Nat. Commun.10, 3808 (2019).

7.Wang, H. et al.Single-site Pt/La-Al2O3stabilized by barium as an active and stable catalyst in purifying CO and C3H6emissions.Appl. Catal., B244, 327–339 (2019).
